Desk setup (less cluttered than usual)
I am incredibly thankful for my setups, both my making setup and my designing setup. It is thanks to these luxuries that I am able to make what I do, and I am forever greatful for this opportunity. I have made very heavy use of all of my equipment, so I have never doubted my continuous investment in expanding it.
My powerful CAD PC is the centerpeice of my computer setup.
making setup
This part of my setup began during COVID for mask printing effort, and I have held my family's dining room hostage since, gradually building up racks to hold an ever growing library of tools and components.
my dilligent and reliable Prusa Mk3S
My 3D printer, a Prusa I assembled from a kit years ago is the centerpeice of my setup for making things. It is reliable to an unbelivable extent, and I have grown to love it. It currently approaches 2000 hours of print time, with many more awaiting it.