My club poster for robotics
My robotics career has been a very important part of my development so far. I joined the school's First Tech Challenge robotics team in freshman year, and immeadiately became one of the core members, and one of the most active members of the team. I lead the construction of the competition robot for all 3 years, becoming club head in the third year.
Freshman year robot, Marvin
Sophomore year robot, Doraemon
Junior year robot, Hal
Unfortunately, the pandemic was combined with the founding mentor of the robotics team leaving the club, leaving us with a much less experienced mentor at a very trying time. This was especially unfortunate, because I had just finished my extensive reworking of the teams physical hardware setup, to a new parts system. Though we still constructed a robot, we ended up shifting the model of the team away from FTC to a smaller scale internal sumobot competition. Now, the team seeks to foster the development of robotics skills for a wider school audience, and I have begun teaching CAD and other robotics skills to members of the new team.
Recent demo robot, Hammer